Sorter, Cap, Unscrambler, S/st, 33" Dia. Bowl, O.ZA.F Srl, #S735847

Sorter, Cap, Unscrambler, S/st, 33" Dia. Bowl, O.ZA.F Srl, #S735847

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Cap sorter, 33" diameter bowl, includes six spiral rows on 1" to 1-1/2" spacing, includes numerous air ports mounted along internal bowl, manufactured by O.ZA.F Srl, machine type 470, machine model number 800, new in 2004, serial number 0284, 220 volt, 50 Hz. All stainless steel construction, includes dual hinged plexi glass lids with 6" x 6" feed opening on one side. Complete with start/stop control box. Appears to be unused and in excellent condition.


Stock NumberS735847
ManufacturerO.ZA.F Srl.
Serial Number0284
Diameter33" Diameter