Bin, 25 CF, S/st, Tote, 190 Gallon, FLO-BIN, C/B (3) #S743594

Bin, 25 CF, S/st, Tote, 190 Gallon, FLO-BIN, C/B (3) #S743594

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:3


(3) Flo-Bin Stainless Steel Tote Tank approximately 190 gallons, 45" x 46" x 8" straight side with 30" deep cone bottom, 6" outlet with butterfly valve, 18" top opening. Portable on wheels/caster and also forklift slots. Serial numbers 123828, 123865 & 123859.


Stock NumberS743594
Cubic Feet25 CF
BasisEach, FOB