Mixer, Hi-Intensity, Cosmic, 200 Ltr, S/st, Jkt, Turbo, #C732431

Mixer, Hi-Intensity, Cosmic, 200 Ltr, S/st, Jkt, Turbo, #C732431

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1

orCall +1 (415) 467-3400


Cosmic Engineering high intensity mixer, Model CPO 220 E, Type Turbo Mixer, 200 liter capacity with stainless steel contact parts. Bowl measures 26" diameter x 22" deep with flush mounted side discharge and is jacketed for cooling. Unit is complete with 30/40 HP, 2-speed drive, 230V, 3500 RPM, Final RPM - 583 RPM @ 1750 motor RPM or 1183 RPM @ 3500 motor RPM. Manufactured in 1996. Unit is in very good condition, mounted on stand with electrics and control panel. Serial number 9133.


Stock NumberC732431
ModelCPO 220 E
Serial Number9133