Blister Packer, Duan Kwei, 4" Wide, Mdl DK-PS 20A, S/st #S738854

Blister Packer, Duan Kwei, 4" Wide, Mdl DK-PS 20A, S/st #S738854

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Blister packaging machine, manufactured by Duan Kwei Machinery, model DK-PS 20A, stainless steel frame. Currently set up for 4" wide aluminum roll stock, capable of up to 8" wide. Offered with conveyor, heaters, slitter, etc. and associated controls. New in 1997. Serial number 9721. Good condition.


Stock NumberS738854
ManufacturerDuan Kwei
ModelDK-PS 20A
Serial Number9721