Filter, Cartridge, 316 S/st, (2) 6" x 36", Adams, #S371999

Filter, Cartridge, 316 S/st, (2) 6" x 36", Adams, #S371999

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


R.P. Adams cartridge filter station, with (2) 6" x 36" filters, rated at 150 PSI. Unit is type 316 stainless steel, complete with 2" diameter stainless piping, manifold, 3-way diverter valve. Unit is type WJR-1A, Serial number 219131 and 219132. Complete station unitized on stainless steel frame with electric control box with backwash controls. System appears to be in excellent condition. Filter manufactured by R.P. Adams Company, Buffalo, NY.


Stock NumberS371999
ManufacturerRP Adams Company
Dimensions6" Diameter X 36" Long (x2)
Materials of Construction316 Stainless Steel
Internal Pressure150 PSI
Inlet and Outlet2" diameter