Filter, P&F, 31.5" x 31.5", Cast Iron/PPL, 15 Plates, A #S742253

Filter, P&F, 31.5" x 31.5", Cast Iron/PPL, 15 Plates, A #S742253

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Standard Filter Corp model M-30-14444-6, 145 sq/ft filter with 15 plates measuring 31.5" x 31.5" x 2.5" thick; (13) plates are cast iron ; (2) plates are polypropylene. Unit has hydraulic cylinder, max operating pressure of 100 PSIG @ 100 deg C, less hydraulic power pack, has 2-1/2" inlet and 1" outlet.


Stock NumberS742253
ManufacturerStandard Filter Corp.
Dimensions31.5" x 31.5" Plates
Number of Plates15
Materials of ConstructionCast Iron Plates