Centrifuge, Basket, Perforate, 42" X 24", S/st, Western States #S183550

Centrifuge, Basket, Perforate, 42" X 24", S/st, Western States #S183550

Location:Chowchilla, CA

Available quantity:1


Centrifuge, perforate basket, Western States, model ISSC, 42" diameter x 24" deep, type 316 stainless steel. Centrifuge is underdriven by 30 HP hydraulic power pack. Also with hydraulic plow. Solids capacity is 9 cu. ft. Serial number 72. Unit has explosion proof motor, control panel was new in mid '70s and rebuilt in mid '80s. Previously used on vanillan - vanilla extract.


Stock NumberS183550
ManufacturerWestern States
Serial Number72
Measurements42" x 24"
TypePerforated Basket

Additional Information

Drawings available upon request.