Centrifuge, Decanter, Sharples, T1P, Vert Bowl, #S197345

Centrifuge, Decanter, Sharples, T1P, Vert Bowl, #S197345

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Sharples decanter centrifuge, model T-1-P, serial number 63-T1P-478, with 3" diameter x 12" stainless vertical bowl with rated bowl speed of 50,000 RPM for 60,000 G's force rating. Centrifuge is vapor tight design with stainless steel contacts, set up in separator mode, rated at up to 1 liter per minute feed with 300 gram bowl cap. Complete with steam / air turbine drive rated for 15 PSI. Last used in pharmaceutical process. Complete with 2 bowls.


Stock NumberS197345
Serial Number63-T1P-478