Coating Pan, Freund-Vector, Hi-Coater, 316 Stainless steel, Blower, Controls #S739995

Coating Pan, Freund-Vector, Hi-Coater, 316 Stainless steel, Blower, Controls #S739995

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Coating pan, manufactured by Freund-Vector, Model Hi-Coater. Unit includes blower and control panel. Includes 316 stainless steel coating pane, measures 24" diameter X 16" deep; chamber has internal baffles. Complete with New York Blower shop number C-5206-110 size 210 4A05. Blower driven by 5 HP, 230/460, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 3470 RPM motor with 3.5" diameter inlet and 3" outlet. Previously used in pharmaceutical application.


Stock NumberS739995
Diameter24" diameter X 16" deep
Previous UsePharmaceutical application