Dust Collector, Baghouse, 2,550 SF, Pulse Type, Am Air, #S673153

Dust Collector, Baghouse, 2,550 SF, Pulse Type, Am Air, #S673153

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


American Air Filter dust collector size 6-2H, 4' wide x 6-1/2' long x 15' tall, 2550 square feet of filter area. Air is filtered thru 4 parallel cells with two cells in series. Cells measure 4'8" wide x 3' long x 4'8" high. Unit is cartridge type collector with 2 cartridges measuring 2' x 47", is pulse air type and has 21"outside inlet diameter. Blower is 20 HP American Air Filter high efficiency blower. Serial number PP860028. Previously used collecting dust from dental products operation, powders for mixing molding clay components and similar products.


Stock NumberS673153
ManufacturerAmerican Air Filter
ModelSize 6-2H
Serial NumberPP860028