Feeder, Vacuum, FPEC, Mdl VMS, Metering System, #S742820

Feeder, Vacuum, FPEC, Mdl VMS, Metering System, #S742820

Location:Chowchilla, CA

Available quantity:1


FPEC Model VMS Vacuum Metering System, all stainless steel contacts. Unit has a transfer rate between 2,000 to 20,000 pounds per hour depending on product. Includes hopper measuring 31" X 34" X 17" deep. Includes portable transfer head and Allen Bradley Panelview Plus 700 touchscreen controls. Serial number 9739. Previously used in food operation and in very good condition.


Stock NumberS742820
Serial Number9739
Previous UseMeat Processing
Hopper Dimensions31" x 34" x 17" Deep