Feeder, Vibratory, 6", S/st, Schenk, Accurate, 4000 Series #C733210

Feeder, Vibratory, 6", S/st, Schenk, Accurate, 4000 Series #C733210

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Schenk "Accurate" vibratory feeder, "Solids Flow," 4000 series, all stainless steel contacts, 6" wide vibratory feeder pan, complete with 1 cubic foot feed hopper, electromagnetic drive, mounting brackets, etc. This design produces continuous, uninterrupted mass flow from a bin without the use of any flow aid devices. When material flows in mass flow, all the material moves whenever any is withdrawn. Unit is unused and still in original crate.


Stock NumberC733210
Model"Solids Flow," 4000 Series
Pan Dimensions6" Wide
Hopper Capacity1 Cu. Ft.
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel