Feeder, Vibratory, 30" x 6-1/2', S/st, #S743924

Feeder, Vibratory, 30" x 6-1/2', S/st, #S743924

Location:Chowchilla, CA

Available quantity:1


Vibratory feeder measuring 30" wide x 6-1/2' long with stainless steel bed, mounted on 5' high mild steel frame. Includes (3) 6-1/2" wide x 2" high end openings; (2) off to the side and (1) off the discharge end, 6' discharge height. Includes Jax undermounted vibratory drive.


Stock NumberS743924
Pan Dimensions30" Wide X 6'6" Long
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseNut Processing