Feeder, Vibratory, 7" x 16", Syntron, 5 Cu/ft Hopper (2) #S738064

Feeder, Vibratory, 7" x 16", Syntron, 5 Cu/ft Hopper (2) #S738064

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:2


(2) Syntron vibratory feeder, model SCR-18, complete with 5 cubic foot carbon steel hopper, 21" x 21" x 19" deep. Feeder measures 7" wide x 16" long, 115 volt, mounted on frame, complete with controller.


Stock NumberS738064
Pan Dimensions7" Wide X 16" Long
Hopper Dimensions21" x 21" x 19" Deep
Materials of ConstructionCarbon Steel
BasisEach, FOB