Feeder, Weigh, Atoma, 1-10 Kg Cap, S/st, Single Head #C328649

No longer available

Feeder, Weigh, Atoma, 1-10 Kg Cap, S/st, Single Head #C328649

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Vibratory weigh feeder, single lane, 1 to 10 kg, Atoma type 234A, serial number 10-1337. Unit features stainless steel vibratory pan feeders, 11" w x 24" feeding tube, 12" x 12" scale hopper with automatic discharge. Unit mounted on adjustable legs, complete with control panel, counter, frequency controllers, etc. Feeder last used doing bulk bags of tortilla chips.


Stock NumberC328649
Serial Number10-1337
Number of Lanes1-Lane
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseTortilla Chips