Filler, Bag, Line, Open Mouth, Express Scale #S730466

Filler, Bag, Line, Open Mouth, Express Scale #S730466

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1

orCall +1 (415) 467-3400


Express Scale bag filling line for open mouth bags. Line includes Express Scale filler model GMDT31E, serial number 068716, rated for up to 115-pound capacity, adjustable height conveyor to Eaton checkweigher, model UML44AABC with conveyor to pneumatic kicker and bag flattener, complete line last run on 50-100-pound bakery mixes. Unit has digital adjustable electronic scale with digital controls on checkweigher.


Stock NumberS730466
ManufacturerExpress Scale
Materials of ConstructionCarbon Steel
Previous UseBakery Processing
Filler TypeBag Filler