Filler, Capper, Scoma/Zalkin, 16-head Fill, 6-head Cap, #S733238

Filler, Capper, Scoma/Zalkin, 16-head Fill, 6-head Cap, #S733238

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Monobloc filling and capping system, to include Scoma 16-head rotary filler, Model E-79, stainless steel contacts, with motor drives and electricals, filling valves are on 5" centers. Also includes Zalkin capper, 6-head, Model CA-5, Serial number 13353, previously capping 38mm screw caps with safety seals. Includes motor drives and electricals. Capable of running 0.5 liter & 1.5-liter bottles. New in1986.


Stock NumberS733238
ManufacturerScoma (Filler), Zalkin (Capper)
ModelE-79 (Filler), CA-5 (Capper)
Serial Number858
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseBottling Water
Filler TypeBottle Filler