Generator, Ozone, ABB, 333 Lbs/Day, Ozone Vessel, Power, C #S743702

Generator, Ozone, ABB, 333 Lbs/Day, Ozone Vessel, Power, C #S743702

Location:Chowchilla, CA

Available quantity:1


ABB Ozone Generator consisting of stainless steel ozone generator vessel (OGV) and power supply unit (PSU), type OF 209 L. Rated for 333 pounds per day, 17 PSI ozone gas pressure, 13,320 pounds per day corresponding mass flow, 84 gallons per minute, 8.5 kWh per pound power consumption. OGV includes flanged dished ends with ozone resistant gaskets, stainless steel tubes (earth electrodes) and glass tubes metallized on their inside surface (high voltage electrode). PSU includes main switch, main breaker, current rectifier controller, DC-choke, current inverter, high voltage transformer and programmable logic control system (PLC). PSU can be controlled manually or by remote set point. System in good working condition when removed from service.


Stock NumberS743702
Capacity330 lbs/day
BasisFOB: Chowchilla, CA