Hopper, 50 CF, C/st, Inclined Belt Discharge, Prewash Tank, #C736561

Hopper, 50 CF, C/st, Inclined Belt Discharge, Prewash Tank, #C736561

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Prewash tank, includes 48" wide x 60" long x 40" deep carbon steel tank, half of tank includes inclined section, incline section has 38" wide x 48" long cleated rubber belt conveyor, 11-1/2" spacing between the cleats, 56-1/2" discharge height. Includes pump unitized on base, driven by 1 HP, 1725 RPM, 115/230V, 1-phase, 60 Hz motor, pump feeds to 2-1/2" diameter spray bar made of PVC piping. Belt is driven by fractional HP motor with adjustable speed DC motor controller. Appears to be in good condition.


Stock NumberC736561
Cubic Feet50
Materials of ConstructionCarbon Steel
Discharge TypeBelt Discharge