Lab, Refrig, Freezer, So-Lo, Mdl PR50-C, 24" X 12" X 18" #S739424

Lab, Refrig, Freezer, So-Lo, Mdl PR50-C, 24" X 12" X 18" #S739424

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1

orCall +1 (415) 467-3400


Lab size freezer mfg by So-Lo Environmental Equip, model PR50-C with a chamber size of 24" X 12" X 18" deep, temp range of 50 deg F to 70 deg F. Unit takes 502 freon, is 115 volt, single phase. Has indicator of -180 to 120 deg F, -188 to 50 deg C. Serial number 767787.


Stock NumberS739424
ManufacturerSo-Lo Environmental
Serial Number767787