Mill, Attritor, Union Process, 3/4 HP, Jkt, #C734666

Mill, Attritor, Union Process, 3/4 HP, Jkt, #C734666

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Attritor mill, intermittent type attritor, manufactured by Union Process, size 1S, type B, complete with stainless steel, jacketed tank. Tank measures 5" diameter x 6" deep, includes stainless steel agitator with paddles. Complete with 3/4 HP, DC drive thru gearbox with unltracon "screw drive" vari-speed controls. Previously used to grind ceramic powders. Appears to be in very good condition. Includes spare agitator.


Stock NumberC734666
ManufacturerUnion Process
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseGrinding Ceramic Powders
Can TypeJacketed Can