Mill, Sag, 19.35' X 27.88', Morgardshammar, 1,877 HP, #D739653

Mill, Sag, 19.35' X 27.88', Morgardshammar, 1,877 HP, #D739653


Available quantity:1


Morgardshammar pebble/sag mill, 19.35' (5.9 m) diameter x 27.88' (8.5 m) long, 2-1,877 hp (1,400 kW) motors. Currently configured as a grate discharge sag or pebble mill. No liners included. Units consists of: shell (6 pcs, three cans, split horizontally), feed end head (1 piece), discharge end head (2 pieces), FE trunnion, DE trunnion, FE trunnion bearing assembly (roller bearing type), DE trunnion bearing assembly (roller bearing type), girth gear (4 pcs), 550 mm wide, spur cut, pinion shaft assemblies (pinion 550 mm wide), spur cut (2 pcs) twin Morgardshammar model ZEL-1055 gear reducers ratio 5.688, with flexible high speed couplings, cardan shafts and Holset type flexible low speed couplings, twin inching drives, base support plates for trunnion bearings, pinion assemblies, lube systems for gearboxes, twin used ASEA (ABB) 1400 kW, AC 8-pole, 6300 v, 50 Hz wound rotor induction motors, 745 rpm, girth gear guard, trommel, feed end trunnion liner, and discharge end trunnion liner.


Stock NumberD739653
Measurements19.35' Diameter X 27.88' Long
HP(2) 1,877
BasisAs Is, Where Is