Mill, Sag, 38' X 25'5", Metso, 26,000 HP, Unused #D739652

Mill, Sag, 38' X 25'5", Metso, 26,000 HP, Unused #D739652

Location:Various Locations

Available quantity:1


Unused Metso grate discharge sag mill trommel with replacement panels, 38' (11.58 m) diameter x 25' 5" (7.76 m) long, 26,000 HP (19,400 kw) Siemens wrap around drive motor-operating frequency 60 Hz. EGL: 22' (6.7 m), No liners. Unit includes hydraulic: braking system, power unit, jacks and candles, portable jacking system, feed chutes, discharge grates and steel pulp lifters.


Stock NumberD739652
Diameter 38' (11.58 m) diameter x 25' 5" (7.76 m) long
BasisAs Is, Where Is