Oven, Blue M, 13" x 12" x 12", Stable-therm, Mdl OV-472A-2 #S737596

Oven, Blue M, 13" x 12" x 12", Stable-therm, Mdl OV-472A-2 #S737596

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1

orCall +1 (415) 467-3400


Blue-M oven, Model OV-472A-2 Stable Therm Oven. Unit has inside dimensions of 13" wide x 12" long x 12" deep. Oven operated on 120 vac with temperature range of 38 to 260 degrees Celsius (500 degrees Fahrenheit).


Stock NumberS737596
ManufacturerBlue M
Measurements13" wide x 12" long x 12" deep