Pump, Vacuum, Evactor W/condenser, S/st, Croll-Reynolds, Mdl 1Y, #C626075

Pump, Vacuum, Evactor W/condenser, S/st, Croll-Reynolds, Mdl 1Y, #C626075

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Steam evactor with condenser, Croll-Reynolds, Model 1Y, used to evacuate product from a source through the introduction of steam in a venturi fashion. 2" diameter suction and discharge lines, 1/2" high pressure steam lines. Used with 4" diameter shell and tube heat exchanger as condenser, rated 10 sq.ft.


Stock NumberC626075
ManufacturerCroll Reynolds
Inlet and Outlet2" Inlet x 2" Outlet
Contact PartsStainless Steel