Sealer, Induction, Cap, S/st, 5-1/2" x 13" x 29-1/2" #S744012

Sealer, Induction, Cap, S/st, 5-1/2" x 13" x 29-1/2" #S744012

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Induction Cap Sealer, measures 5-1/2" wide x 13" high x 29-1/2" long, constructed of 304 stainless steel frame. Seal strength rated for 0 to 400 degrees Celsius. Runs on (2) 20 AMPS electrical breaker.


Stock NumberS744012
Measurements5.5" wide x 13" high x 29.5" long
Materials of Construction304 Stainless Steel