Tank, 5,000 Gallon, S/st, Horiz, 88" x 16', Coils, #S741361

Tank, 5,000 Gallon, S/st, Horiz, 88" x 16', Coils, #S741361

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Stainless steel horizontal tank, 5,000 gallon capacity, measuring 88" diameter x 16' long plus dished ends. Unit has 3" diameter end bottom discharge, 19" end manway and (4) 2" and (2) 1" inlet/outlet. Unit has 18 coils 1" x 14'6". Tank is welded to carbon steel frame.


Stock NumberS741361
Materials of Construction304 Stainless Steel

Additional Information

Includes internal coils.