Tank, 1,250 Gallon, S/st, Jkt, DT/CB, Insul #S743883

Tank, 1,250 Gallon, S/st, Jkt, DT/CB, Insul #S743883

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Stainless steel 1,250 gallon (40 BBL) fermentation tank previously used in beer processing, measures 60" diameter x 102" straight side, dish top and bottom. Tank includes 3-zone jacket with full insulation. Bottom head includes 1" diameter center bottom outlet. Top head includes 1" diameter center top inlet and lifting eyes. Includes side bottom 16" x 12" oval manway with cover and internal spray ball. Tank is mounted on (4) 4" diameter pipe legs with footpads. Manufactured by Nerb, Fabrication number 5486.


Stock NumberS743883
ManufacturerNerb. Tank
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseBrewery