Tank, 500 Gallon, C/st, 4' X 5', Agit, Dish Heads, #Z696294

Tank, 500 Gallon, C/st, 4' X 5', Agit, Dish Heads, #Z696294

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Tank, 500 gallon, carbon steel, mix, 4' diameter x 5' straight side, no name plate, Lightnin pneumatic agitator, Model N33 AG 300, bolt on dished top, 12" x 18" oval top feed with pneumatic slid gate, 14" diameter top vent pipe, 2 - 2" top inlets, dished bottom, with 2" flanged center discharge, 2 - 18" diameter boat props on 1-1/2" diameter x 5'6" lg shaft, mounted on 4 - 6" I-beam legs 2' high,.


Stock NumberZ696294
Materials of ConstructionCarbon Steel