Tank, 425 Gallon, S/st, Rectangular, Jkt, Insul #S740916

Tank, 425 Gallon, S/st, Rectangular, Jkt, Insul #S740916

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Stainless steel rectangular insulated open top tank, approximately 425 gallon capacity. Thickness of tank material measures 0.095 on the inside of the tank, 0.055 on the outside shell. Trough measures 88" long X 40" wide X 28" deep. Unit has 1-1/2" end bottom outlet. Includes Copelmatic refrigeration package driven by 3/60 Hz motor. Unit has center bridge section to install agitator.


Stock NumberS740916
Materials of ConstructionStainless Steel
Previous UseRice Drinks