Tank, 150 Gallon, 316 Stainless Steel, 29" x 56", Advance DB/ST #S742215

Tank, 150 Gallon, 316 Stainless Steel, 29" x 56", Advance DB/ST #S742215

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Advance Boiler & Tank Co 150 gallon, 316 stainless steel tank measuring 29" diameter x 56" straight side with dish bottom and dome top. Unit is pressure rated for WAWP 100 PSI at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Tank has 3/4" top inlet and 2" center bottom discharge. On (4) angle iron legs, new in 1987, Serial number 6012, National Board 3388.


Stock NumberS742215
ManufacturerAdvance Boiler & Tank Co.
Serial Number6012
Materials of Construction316 Stainless Steel
Internal Pressure100 PSI
National Board Number3388