Tank, 100 Gallon, Glass Lined, Jkt, 30" x 33", De Dietrich, DT/DB, #C742755

Tank, 100 Gallon, Glass Lined, Jkt, 30" x 33", De Dietrich, DT/DB, #C742755

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


De Dietrich glass-lined 100 Gallon Jacketed Tank, measures 30" diameter X 33" straight side with dish top and bottom, includes 2" diameter center bottom outlet. Internal (repaired 2001) MAWP 25 Full Vacuum PSIG at 650 degrees Fahrenheit, MAWP jacket 90 PSIG at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, MAWP jacket. 75 PSIG with internal full vacuum, glass number C23317, MDMT minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, SO number 81479. Top openings (3) 3", (1) 4", (1) 6" inlets. Stands on (4) 2-1/2" pipe legs. Serial number 33556, National Board number 4365, built in 1987, glass 3008.


Stock NumberC742755
Serial Number33556
Materials of ConstructionGlass-Lined
Internal Pressure75 PSI / Full Vacuum