Wrapper, Bundler, Pester Pack, Mdl PEWO-Pack 450, Shrink #S742604


Wrapper, Bundler, Pester Pack, Mdl PEWO-Pack 450, Shrink #S742604

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Pester Pack Model PEWO-pack 450 shrink bundler, electrically and pneumatically controlled for bundling groupings with stretchband film. System includes infeed conveyor to move products to holding unit, infeed pusher which is controlled by a program to push product row in front of closing bar, the product row / product group is then pushed through the film curtain to wrap/fuse seam/cut off excess, then shrinks film through thermal shrink tunnel and includes cooler fan at machine outfeed. Previously used in pharmaceutical operation and in very good condition.


Stock NumberS742604
ManufacturerPester Pack
ModelPEWO-Pack 450
Previous UseBundling Pill Bottles.