Sealer, L-Bar, Belco, MDl ILS2016, 20" x 16" #S743845

Sealer, L-Bar, Belco, MDl ILS2016, 20" x 16" #S743845

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Belco Packaging ILS2016 Manual L-Bar Sealer. Sealing length: 20" long, Sealing width: 16" wide. Maximum film roll width: 26", welded tubular steel frame and sealing head with adjustable aluminum in-feed table with film opening horn, independent seal wire heat adjusts and impulse timer impulse or constant heat seal mode, sealing wire sensor prevents overheating, fused electrical protection, reversible seal base rubber and Teflon. No tools or tape required, adjustable tilt table/conveyor. Air requirements: 0.02 CF/C 80 PSI. Electrical requirements: 115 volts, 60/50 Hz, single phase, 15 amps, Serial Number 7542. Unit is portable on casters.


Stock NumberS743845
Serial Number7542
MeasurementsSealing length: 20" long, Sealing width: 16" wide, and Maximum film roll width: 26"