Labeler, Pressure Sensitive, Quadrel, Versaline, Wrap, #S744339

Labeler, Pressure Sensitive, Quadrel, Versaline, Wrap, #S744339

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Quadrel Versaline pressure sensitive wrap around labeler, includes stainless steel pass-thru belt conveyor frame, 5" wide frame, driven by 1/2 HP, 230/460 motor thru 28:1 ratio reducer, 60 RPM (less belting). Includes Quadrel MZn controller, worm feed for bottles and 7-1/2" high wrap belt module, driven by 1/2 HP motor. Also includes roll stock feed system, capable of running up to approximately 7-1/2" high labels. Previously labeling 32 oz and 1 gallon round bottles of fertilizer at approximately 30 BPM. Working when removed from service in December 2021. New in 2003. Serial number 45452-01.02.


Stock NumberS744339