Refrig, Freezer, Cryogenic Batch Freezer, Cryo-Chem, Kryospray #S744446

Refrig, Freezer, Cryogenic Batch Freezer, Cryo-Chem, Kryospray #S744446

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Cryo-Chem Model BF 300 SD Kryospray Cryogenic Batch Freezer, liquid carbon dioxide freezing system. Includes stainless steel cabinet with foam insulation and heavy duty foot with two latches, opening measures 26" wide x 72" high X 31 deep, includes cart measuring 21" wide X 63" high X 28" deep. Equipment acts as a blast freezer and refrigerant storage cabinet. Offered with digital controller. Serial number 339, 10 AMPS, 3/60 Hz, 480 Volt. Previously used to store packaged tray meals.


Stock NumberS744446
ModelBF 300 SD
TypeBox Freezer
Dimensions26" x 31" x 72"
Previous UseStore packaged tray meals