Refiner, Chocolate, 150 lbs., DCM 150, Melangeur #S744485


Refiner, Chocolate, 150 lbs., DCM 150, Melangeur #S744485

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Diamond Custom Machines Model DCM 150 Melangeur chocolate grinder capacity 150 pounds, stainless steel construction. Driven by 3 HP, 220 Volts, 3-phase, 60 Hz motor. Includes electrical tilting drum. Serial number 20190401-04 Previously making chocolate and nut butter.

Manufacturer details:

  • Equipment is a tilting commercial refiner featuring double roller granite stones
  • Granite base for the efficient refining
  • KBDA AC speed control
  • Adjustable speed from 0 to 115 RPM


Stock NumberS744485
ManufacturerDiamond Custom Machines
ModelDCM 150
Serial Number20190401-04
Previous UseUsed at chocolate processing facility