Mill, Ball, 14.5' x 28', Allis Chalmers, 3,000 HP #D744635

Mill, Ball, 14.5' x 28', Allis Chalmers, 3,000 HP #D744635


Available quantity:2


14.5' x 28' ball mill, manufactured by Allis Chalmers, driven by Westinghouse 3000 HP (2250 kw) 60 Hz fixed speed synchronous motor. Complete with trunnion liners, bearing assemblies, girth gear, pinion assembly, base plates, lube systems, etc. Formerly fitted with rubber linings, not included. Previously used in gold crushing and grinding plant at a capacity of 6,000-10,000 tons per day. (2) units available.  


Stock NumberD744635
ManufacturerAllis Chalmers
Measurements14.5' Diameter X 28' Long
BasisEach, As Is, Where Is