Filter, Pressure, Oberlin, Model OBF12, 316L Stainless Steel, 12 Square Feet #S744646

Filter, Pressure, Oberlin, Model OBF12, 316L Stainless Steel, 12 Square Feet #S744646

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Oberlin Model OBF12 Automatic Pressure Filter system with reusable belt, vapor-tight stainless steel enclosure, including 316L stainless steel pressing section. Filter is rated for 12 square feet of surface area, 45 PSI, 160 degrees Fahrenheit, approximately 40 gallons per minute, depending on application. The filter pumps dirty liquid through a tight media in a self-contained chamber, solids build into a cake on the media which catch more solids. Pressure continues to force the liquid through the densely packed cake and media. The filter pressurizes the liquid by pumping it into a chamber whose only outlet is through the unwanted solids on the media. The packed solids are discharged onto a reusable belt that conveys the solids into stainless steel hopper with horizontal, notched auger flights screw to vertical auger discharge. Includes CIP spray bar to clean belt after solids are discharged Offered with PLC sequence control panel, gas-distribution panel, main electric disconnect panel and various other control panels. Serial number OPF12-321MD. New in 2019.


Stock NumberS744646
Serial NumberOPF12-321MD
Square Feet12
Materials of Construction316L Stainless Steel
Maximum Pressure45 PSI