Reactor, 20 Gallon, Glass Lined, De Dietrich, 150 PSI, Jacketed, Agitated #S744733

Reactor, 20 Gallon, Glass Lined, De Dietrich, 150 PSI, Jacketed, Agitated #S744733

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


De Dietrich 20-Gallon Glass-Lined Reactor. Internally rated for 150 PSI / Full Vacuum at 500 degrees Fahrenheit / minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Jacketed for 150 PSI at 500 degrees Fahrenheit / minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Includes glass type 3009. Tank shell thickness: 3/8"; Bottom head thickness: 25/64"; Jacket Shell thickness: 15/64"; jacket head thickness: 15/64". Includes top mounted drive to retreating impeller type agitator and stationary baffles. Driven by 1-1/2 HP, 230/460V, 1740 RPM, 3/60Hz motor (UL rated for hazardous locations) Manufacturer's number 36304. ASME code constructed. National Board number 7114.


Stock NumberS744733
Materials of ConstructionGlass-Lined
Internal Pressure150 PSI / Full Vacuum at 500 degrees Fahrenheit / minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit
Jacket Pressure150 PSI at 500 degrees Fahrenheit / minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit
National Board Number7114