Cutter, Stem, Chili Peppers, S/st, (2) Perforated Drums #C744823

Cutter, Stem, Chili Peppers, S/st, (2) Perforated Drums #C744823

Location:San Dimas, CA

Available quantity:1


Stainless Steel Chili Pepper Stem Cutting machine. Includes (2) perforated rotary drums, with top drum conveying in one direction, feeding into bottom drum and conveying product in the opposite direction to the discharge. Drums measure 15" diameter x 118" long , with 5/16" screen perforations. Includes top feed inlet measuring 20" x 17" and 8-1/2" x 6" bottom side discharge. Rated for 115-volt, single phase.


Stock NumberC744823