Detector, X-Ray, Anritsu, Model KD7405AW, 9.5" x 4.25" #S745241

Detector, X-Ray, Anritsu, Model KD7405AW, 9.5" x 4.25" #S745241

Location:Brisbane, CA

Available quantity:1


Anritsu Model KD7405AW X-Ray Metal Detector. Max product weight 5Kg (60/m/min). Max product size: 240mm (width) x 120MM (height). Temperature 0 to 35 degrees C. Serial# 4600035207. Packaged products are fed by belt conveyor through detector that radiates an x-ray beam through products to detect any contaminants. Detectable contaminants include metal, glass, stone, hard bone, rubber, plastics, and more. Can detect in packaged products as sell as aluminum retort pouches, aluminum sealed containers and aluminum cans. System can also detect missing products in packed foods. Rated for 120-Volt. Serial number 46500035207.


Stock NumberS745241
Serial Number4600035207
Aperture Size9.5" wide x 4.25" high
Product Weight5 kg Max (60m/min)
Product SizeMax 240mm Wide. Max 120mm High.

Additional Information

Offered with Anritsu Model KW4102AW Rejector.