Filter, Reverse Osmosis, RO/DI, Evoqua, Stainless Steel, High-Purity, #5991264

Filter, Reverse Osmosis, RO/DI, Evoqua, Stainless Steel, High-Purity, #5991264

Location:Chowchilla, CA

Available quantity:1


Unused Evoqua water treatment system includes a skid-mounted 2-Pass reverse osmosis (RO) unit with a 48-60 GPM flow rate, expandable to 96-115 GPM, and 8" diameter x 4M FRP pressure vessels rated at 450 PSIG ASME. The RO system features 5.0-micron nominal prefilters, Grundfos CRNE booster pumps with variable frequency drives (VFDs), and a fully automated NEMA 12 control panel for precise operation. The distribution system operates at 190 GPM and includes dual Grundfos 316LSS vertical centrifugal pumps, with flow monitored and controlled via Thornton conductivity and temperature sensors, Rosemount Vortex flow transmitters, and IFM Efector pressure transmitters. Additional components include anti-scalant injection equipment with Grundfos DDS pumps and a 50-gallon chemical tank for scaling prevention, a 2,000-gallon DI water storage tank constructed of 316SS stainless steel, rated for 30 PSI, ozone generation and destruction systems with Ampco recirculation pumps, and UV sterilizers for polishing. System was never put into service and is Unused.


Stock Number5991264
ManufacturerEvoqua Water Technologies
ModelRO/DI System with Softening Capability
Capacity48-60 GPM flow rate, expandable to 96-115 GPM (RO)
Dimensions8” Diameter x 157” Long (FRP Pressure Vessels)
Materials of ConstructionFRP and 316 Stainless Steel
Pressure Rating450 PSI
Array2-1-1 (initial), 4-2-1 (future)

Additional Information

* Full manuals, P&ID’s and other details available upon request *